
RAKWireless RAKstar

Example for a RS485 soil sensor using RAKwireless RUI3 on a RAK3172.

Tested with the "No-Name" VEM SEE SN-3002-TR-ECTHNPKKPH-N01 sensor.
Code is prepared for the GEMHO 7in1 Soil Sensor with RS485, but not tested.


Soil sensor

VEM SEE SN-3002-TR-ECTHNPKKPH-N01, translated datasheet is in assets

IMPORTANT Requires to set #define VEMSEE

Sensor works by default with 4800 Baud

VEM SEE SN-3002-TR-ECTHNPKKPH-N01 Soil Sensor register setup

Address Multiplier Register content
0x0000 /10 Moisture
0x0001 /10 Temperature
0x0002 *1 Conductivity
0x0003 /10 pH
0x0004 *1 Nitrogen content (temporary)
0x0005 *1 Phosphorus content (temporary)
0x0006 *1 Potassium content (temporary)
0x0007 *1 Salinity
0x0008 *1 TDS (for reference ?????)
0x0022 *1 Temperature coefficient of conductivity
0x0023 *1 TDS coefficient
0x0050 *1 Temperature calibration value
0x0051 *1 Mositure content calibration value
0x0052 *1 Conductivity calibration value
0x0053 *1 pH calibration value
0x04e8 *1 Nitrogen content coefficient MSB (temporary)
0x04e9 *1 Nitrogen content coefficient LSB (temporary)
0x04ea *1 Nitrogen deviation (temporary)
0x04f2 *1 Phosphorus coefficient MSB (temporary)
0x04f3 *1 Phosphorus coefficient LSB (temporary)
0x04f4 *1 Phosphorus deviation (temporary)
0x04fc *1 Potassium content coefficient MSB (temporary)
0x04fd *1 Potassium content coefficient LSB (temporary)
0x04fe *1 Potassium deviation (temporary)
0x07d0 *1 Device address
0x07d1 *1 Baud Rate

GEMHO 7in1 Soil Sensor with RS485, datasheet is in assets

IMPORTANT Requires to set #define GEMHO

Sensor works by default with 9600 Baud

GEMHO 7in1 Soil Sensor with RS485 register setup

Address Multiplier Register content
0x0006 /100 Temperature
0x0007 /100 Moisture
0x0008 *1 Conductivity
0x0009 /100 pH
0x000F *1 Device address
0x001E *1 Nitrogen content (temporary)
0x001F *1 Phosphorus content (temporary)
0x0020 *1 Potassium content (temporary)

WisBlock modules & enclosure


Assembly is done with the "standard" mounting plate of the Unify Enclosure.
Sensor connection is done with the 5-pin IP65 connector of the Unify Enclosure with Solar Panel
Antenna used is Blade Antenna with 2.3 dBi gain.



RAK19002 12V booster must be installed in the Sensor Slot B

Modbus Wiring diagram

Wiring Diagram


Firmware is based on RUI3-RAK5802-Modbus-Master with adjustements for the used RS485 sensor.

To achieve good sensor readings, the sensor is powered up for 5 minutes before the sensor data is read. This gives the sensor time to do the readings and calculations.

Custom AT commands

Send Interval

Send interval of the sensor values can be set with a custom AT command. Interval time is set in seconds

ATC+SENDINT? Command definition

ATC+SENDINT,: Set/Get the interval sending time values in seconds 0 = off, max 2,147,483 seconds

ATC+SENDINT=? Get current send interval in seconds


ATC+SENDINT=3600 Get current send interval to 3600 seconds == 1 hour



Send interval cannot be less than 2 times the sensor power on time. With the current settings the minimum send interval is 10 minutes

Sensor Test

Sensor connection can be tested with a custom AT command.

ATC+STEST? Command definition

ATC+STEST,R*W: Read sensor

ATC+STEST=? Start sensor test



After starting the test, it takes 15-20 seconds before a result is available. The output of the command is:

Sensor found

> atc+stest=?
Sensor Power Up
+EVT:Sensor Values: M:22.10-T:25.70-pH:3.00-C:140.0

The values are soil humidity (M), temperature (T) pH value (pH) and conductivity (C). If the sensor is not in soil, these values might be zeros or not making any sense.

Sensor not found

> atc+stest=?
Sensor Power Up
+EVT:Error reading sensor

Sensor reading already active This can be because a manual started test is not finished yet or the scheduled automatic sensor reading is active

> atc+stest=?

Write to coils or registers (Not used in this example code)

To control the coils, a downlink from the LoRaWAN server is required. The downlink packet format is
AA55ccddnnv1v2 as hex values
AA55 is a simple packet marker
cc is the command, supported is only MB_FC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS
dd is the slave address
nn is the number of coils to write
v1, v2 are the coil status. 0 ==> coil off, 1 ==> coil on, nn status are expected

To write to registers, a downlink from the LoRaWAN server is required. The downlink packet format is
AA55ccddnnv1v2 as hex values
AA55 is a simple packet marker
cc is the command, supported are MB_FC_WRITE_REGISTER and MB_FC_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS
dd is the slave address
aa is the start address of the registers nn is the number of registers to write
v1 and v2 is the 16bit value to write to the register
v1 and v2 are the 16bit value to write to the register, nn arrays of v1 and v2 are expected

Visualization of the Sensor Data

To visualize the sensor data, the following (free) extensions are used:



The complete system is setup on a VPS with Docker containers. All required Docker containers are installed with a custom Docker YAML file and for maintaining of the containers I use Portainer, a Docker management tool.
This includes the Chirpstack V4 LoRaWAN server, InfluxDB and Grafana.

Register the sensor nodes in the LoRaWAN server

No detailed instructions for this part, these steps are common steps to connect sensor nodes to a LoRaWAN server

(1) Setup the LoRaWAN server and connect the gateway(s) to it. Make sure both LoRaWAN server and the gateway(s) are setup to the same LoRaWAN region.
(2) Setup an application on the LoRaWAN server
(3) Setup the sensor nodes in the application with their DevEUI, AppEUI and AppKey (if OTAA is used) or with their DevAddress, AppSKey and NwSKey (if ABP is used)
(4) Check if the sensor data are received by the application in the LoRaWAN server

LNS Events

Setup the Codec in Chirpstack

To receive the data in the influxDB database, a payload decoder is required in Chirpstack. Payload decoders are setup in the Device Profiles in Chirpstack. In the Chirpstack web UI switch to the Device Profiles and select Codecs.

Add payload decoder in Chirpstack

Open the Codec tab. By default the Payload codec is set to None. Change it to JavaScript functions

Add payload decoder in Chirpstack

RAKwireless has a ready to use JavaScript decoder for Chirpstack. You can get it from the RAKwireless_Standardized_Payload Github repository.

Get payload decoder for Chirpstack

Use the Raw button to see the Javascript as plain text. Copy the complete Javascript code and paste it into the Chirpstack Codec functions text field.

Get payload decoder for Chirpstack

To check that the decoder is working, go back to the device in Chirpstack and select Events. This will show the received data.
Click on the up button of a received packet and the decoded payload will be shown:

Get payload decoder for Chirpstack

Installation of InfluxDB and Grafana

The installation of InfluxDB and Grafana is done through the Docker YAML file.
Important are the local IP addresses of the two applications, which can be obtained through the Portainer management tool.


Setup the InfluxDB database

In InfluxDB web UI, create an access token to allow access.

(1) Open the Load Data menu and select API Tokens


(2) Create two tokens using the GENERATE API TOKEN button, one for Chirpstack and one for Grafana.


These tokens will be required in the next steps!


Make sure to copy the tokens into a safe place. They can be only read during the creation of the tokens.

Create an organization and a bucket for the sensor data.

(3) Create organization and a bucket

influxDB create new organization

Here we use RAKwireless for both the organization and the bucket.

influxDB create organization and data bucket

Setup the InfluxDB integration in Chirpstack

In the Chirpstack web UI, open the application and select the Integrations tab:

Chirpstack Integrations

Then fill out the connection details to the InfluxDB database.

Chirpstack Integrations

Setup Grafana

In the Grafana web UI, open Connections, then Add new connection to setup the connection to the influxDB database.

Grafana Setup Connection

Select InfluxDB as new connection.

Grafana influxDB Connection

Setup the connection using the IP address and token obtained earlier

Grafana influxDB Connection
Grafana influxDB Connection

Use the Save & test button to check if Grafana can access the database.

Check the data is arriving in the database

Open the influxDB web UI and open the Data Explorer.
Select the correct bucket. The easiest way to find the data is to use soil sensors DevEUI as the first filter.
Then use _measurement as the second filter. You will see now all the data that was received from the soil sensor.

influxDB check device data

As you can see, there are many entries. Each entries name has the sensor number at the end we assigned in the application code.

// Cayenne LPP Channel numbers per sensor value
#define LPP_CHANNEL_BATT 1 // Base Board
#define LPP_CHANNEL_PH 5
#define LPP_CHANNEL_TDS 10

For example:


refers to the soil temperature

// Add temperature level to payload
g_solution_data.addTemperature(LPP_CHANNEL_TEMP, coils_n_regs.sensor_data.reg_2 / 10.0);

Once device_frmpayload_data_temperature_3 is selected, add one more filter with value to get the temperature values from the database query. Then push the SUBMIT button. The graph will show the recorded temperature measurements.

Soil temperature data in influxDB


influxDB Data Explorer gives the option to see the query as Flux query. This can be directly used in Grafana to collect the data from the influxDB database.

Push the SCRIPT EDITOR button to see the Flux query.

influxDB - Get Flux query

Copy and save the Flux Query, it will be used in the Grafana dashboard later.

Setup Grafana Dashboard

Open the Grafana web UI and go to Home => Dashboards. Then click on the New button and select New dashboard.

Create new Dasboard in Grafana

On the next window select the option to Add visualization

Create new Visualization

Then select influxdb as the data source.

Select data source

A new window with the visualization details will be shown.
Take the Flux query copied from influxDB DataExplorer earlier and copy it into the query field.

Copy the Flux query

There are many options to change how the data will be presented. Here only the Panel Title is changed to Soil Temperature. The Grafana documentation explains the other options.

Check received data

Push the Apply button to add the visualization to the new Dashboard.

Apply visualization to Dashboard

Now the panel with the soil temperature is shown in the dashboard.

Visualization on Dashboard

To add the other sensor values, there are two ways:

If Duplicate is chosen, open the visualization menu and select Edit.

Duplicate visualization

In the edit window only two things need to be changed, the source in the Flux query and the title. Here the source is changed to the moisture level (device_frmpayload_data_humidity_2) and title to Soil Moisture

Duplicate visualization

Other sensor values can be added to the Dashboard the same way. When all sensor values are visualized, the Dashboard will look like this:

Duplicate visualization

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